Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Open Jangan tak Open....

Raya time = Open House. Working in PD does have big (foodie) advantage in this festive season. Most of the people are married and we the 'singles' will always get invited to their houses. Some even invited the singles only. I did host open house 2-3 years back, but not this year, too much work and too many invites to begin with.

Lets start with last week when I came back from long Raya break:-

  1. Wednesday 30 Sept - Hj Ismail, PD Villa
  2. Thursday 1 Oct - Kak Linda, Taman Dato'
  3. Friday - speed up back to KL before maghrib (no invites ;))

This week...the invite keeps coming:-

  1. Monday 5 Oct - Kak Nita, TNB Kuarters (actually TNB staff had marhaban from house to house, Fareha and I were invited last minute for the makan-makan)
  2. Tuesday 6 Oct - Hani, Kg Baru SiRusa
  3. Wednesday 7 Oct - Wani (don't know where the house is, will go with my hsmate, invite came in last minute, just when I started to think about my dinner plan)
  4. Thursday 8 Oct - Kak Kamsiah , Taman NLFCS
  5. Friday 9 Oct - Afandi, Masjid Tanah, Melaka (sampai Melaka tu orang jemput..hehehe... will be carpooling with Sakina)

Saturday 10 Oct -

  1. BBGS OGA Raya Tea, Brickfield
  2. Su's (Shaz's friend), Wangsa Maju ke ? not sure
  3. Azee (Chem Eng friend), Klang
  4. Fareha's sis, Kepong
  5. Wati (colleague), Senawang
-don't think I can make it to all..mati oo..driving one way is already 1.5 hrs (traffic??)

Sunday 11 Oct
Suprisingly no invite yet? Sapa nak jemput aku?? Open ni..hehehe.....mati kekenyangan ;)

Today 7 Oct - Kak Yati, Teluk Kemang
Saturday 10 Oct
Yus (DIC Classmate) , Shah Alam
Amri (Colleague), Bangi

p/s: Syukur Alhamdulillah....
p/p/s: feels like important person..hehehe....

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