Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Me New Toy

I bought this new gadget. After having low maintenance, low budget phone for the last 7 years, I finally bought something of higher grade (;p). I have issues when I was fixing my SIM card to the new phone, it took some time before there is any network line to be detected. I went to Maxis Centre and they (Maxis ppl) were giving me this look...I know its an old SIM card, last I changed was to upgrade to 64K SIM card. After that I have no other update, so basically my SIM card is not configured for 3G and all those net application yet.

I have to go to Maxis Centre again, was rushing the other day, so it was not settled yet.

When I was browsing and surveying which phone to buy, I sort of attracted to this model Nokia 6730 Classic. Little did I know that it is among the latest model - I thought latest would have E or N denotes to the model. It only came out less than 3 months ago. Well, I don't really follow all this so I don't really know.

So when I went to Low Yat, most of the sales ppl don't know about the model, but some do. I decided to buy full set original instead of AP set (price difference is only RM100 ++. For now not fully utilising the new toy yet. ;)

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