Thursday, August 20, 2009

Holy Month is Coming....

As I am updating, it is less than 24 hrs to Ramadhan. In fact, the ibadah starts tonight with the first Taraweeh. This year, I vow to make extra effort to complete as many as I can. Even when I have iftar outside.
The muslimah in the office are having special session during lunch time, we are having strings of activites such as tadarus& tafsir, and also session to discuss certain hadith from Hadith 40 by Imam An-Nabawi.

Hopefully this Ramadhan, I will be able to utilise my time wisely, improve my ibadah and make the biggest investment for Qiamat, insyaAllah..

Tonight my sisters and I are going back to SP, the celebrate the first day of Ramadhan with the rest of the family there. My mum ordered sugar stock, as she could not get any in SP (it is that bad...) I managed to get 6kg in Seremban (lucky had 2 colleagues with me to pay for the extra 4 kg). PD is also having stock out situation of sugar. I will continue 'sugar purchase' ops in KL before we depart tonight....I am so feeling like sugar smuggler right now...hehehe...

Anyhooo....wishing for a safe journey and anybody who is reading this a blessed Ramadhan ahead.

Semoga kita berjaya mempertingkatkan amalan di Ramadhan ini, siapa tahu bila lagi akan bertemu Ramadhan yang akan datang.... InsyaAllah....
Promo poster for the activity from Dr.K

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