Tuesday, August 4, 2009

BBGS Gala Reunion

Went to the BBGS Gala Reunion last night. It was held at once stood our alma mater, Pavillion. From batch of '98 only less than 15 of us showed up. None of us won the temptatious lucky draws (kinda sour grape about this..hehehe..). But that's not the main thing, seeing the spirit lives on last night was memorable. I did not bring any camera, so now waiting for Shaz to post it.

My favorite has got to be the choir singing 'Centenary Song'. I remember when I was in Form 4, I couldn't sing that song, I will be quickly reduced to tears everytime I sang that song, I don't know why. And then we went for Interstate Choral Speaking (representing KL) and we won!!! After that I can sing the song without shedding any tears. I love the song so much that once during orientation week in UiTM, I was asked to sing any song just to get one of the seniors' signature. I couldn't decide what song to sing so I sang the 'Centenary Song' ;)

There were also slide shows of old pictures from the rest of the girls. But somehow we (at least Hasliza and I) felt a bit disconnected, probably because there were no pictures from our time. All of the pictures are from 70's and 80's. On my personal point of view, the montage that Lily did last year during our batch reunion was the BEST. I realised have not posted it anywhere yet. (Shaz posted in FB, but tagging limited to 30 peoples).

I tried uploading but it failed, the montage was too big....isk..will try some other means.

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