Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This Ramadhan...

Yesterday people in the office were sharing this link. I found it very user friendly. In addition to viewing the verses, you can select from a number of translations (including Malay) and you can listen to recitation. For someone like me who is not good in complex translation, this is good enough. At the very least can brush up on the ayat-ayat lazim...(ini tak..asyik repeat 4 Qul je...)

Personally, not sure whether I have been a better Muslim this time around. Am glad that here, at work, there are a group of people that continuously gearing the da'wah effort. We have a Ramadhan program lined up that includes tadarus, tajwid classes and also tazkirah.

I had the opportunity of having iftar at Masjib Besi Putrajaya the previous week, somehow the masjid reminds me a lot of Masjidil Haram, not the architecture, more of the feeling. Lately, I really missed the day when I don't have to care about anything else in the world, sit in front of Kaabah and just be there. I wish I can spend the whole Ramadhan there...someday insyaAllah, I will.....


  1. kalau dah cukup bajet nak pi....pi lah sebelum ada anak kecik.... dah ada nak kecik.., nak tunggu besar sikit..., then ada anak kecik lagi... dan lagi.... dan lagi...sampai mpatbelas.

    kaktek daftar 3 bulan lepas dapat tarikh 22 tawun lagi!!... insyaAllah plan nak pi 5 thn lagi..

  2. Ahhh.. thanks for the URL. Suka la sebab ada translation dalam segala bahasa :).

    We had the same thing in my office dulu, even bukan dalam bulan Ramadan jek. Almost every Friday this akak will organize and invite Ustazah untuk kasi ceramah. The thing is, budak pompuan jek ramai join.. budak laki ada la dalam sorang dua (even kalo kelas bukan hari Jumaat) :D

  3. kak tek..umrah dah pi alhamdulillah..haji saya pon kalo ikut turn 2025..hahaa...jauh gile, tapi tgh kumpul duit jugak ni, insyaAllah nak bawak parents skali ;)
    p/s: akak bawak la cikmat skali, sy tgk anak2 arab tu seronok gile lari-lari masa orang tgh saei'

    aida,you are most welcome. i work in male dominated environment, so obviously lagi ramai lelaki dr pompuan. tapi sume dah kawin..(melopeh den)..hahaha...
    p/s: tgh tunggu komen balas berbisa dari kak tek...

  4. loh! oleh sebab kaktek poser... mulut kurang cili daa walopun nak sebut awatle lembep betui ko nih!! habeh semua dah kena rembat..ko dok terkedek-kedek lagi!!

    tapi takpo.... kaktek doakan ko dapat jodoh lepeh rayo.... aminnnn...
    ikutlah style kaktek... hang pi klia epot kot2 ado org kasik bunga... tunggulah dgn sabau ek.....
