Thursday, June 10, 2010

That's Creepy Ok?!!!

I have been stalked (I think) by few Chinese blogwalkers. They have blogger account but do not have a blog.

They (more than 1) have been reading (not sure of that) and leaving very not relevant comments on my blog. The point that tips me off is this one:

Blogger profile :
Comment: your son/daughter is so cute............................................................
My post about: Isreal and US

Bukan ke tak relevant tu, and creepy, probably talking about my niece or nephew, as seriously don't have kids..

Some other includes;

Blogger profile :
Comment: 路遙知馬力,日久見人心。...................................................... (which means 'Distance tests a horse, time will tell.' ) ...what the ????
My post about : Buat Jahat

There are few others that I have deleted. Seriously, its creepy. If you want to read and leave message, be decent, at least comment appropriately, ini tak, ntah ape-ape.....the two that I deleted sounds like some proverb copied ans pasted.

Takkan nak privatise the blog just because these few sick people?

1 comment:

  1. tu la, i patut buat camtu gak kan? wokeh, next time..(kalo ade next time..hehehe...)
