Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My First Ever Finished Project - Mary Jane Booties

At last!! something that I can claim credit to. I made this for my niece Tisya. She is now 4 months +. The booties is sized for 6 months infant. For a pro knitter, it will only take 2 hours to finish each foot. But for me the kint-green, I took 2 days to finish this tiny lil cutie ;p

Mostly because I was stuck at certain technique (slip slip knit, yarn over and bind off), that I have to refer to my book. When I did that, I lost count and have to disassemble the whole thing and start from scratch... well, they say practise make perfect rite?
So here are some pics during the making,
The pattern require garter stitch, the easiest of all (suits beginner like me)
One booties done, awaiting for finishing.
Finsihed it using cross stitch needle and the same yarn
Two booties ready to be buttoned up

Voila....dah siap ;)

This project is easy enough for me to complete. Now I don't have to think hard on newborn baby gift already. The only thing is that this can only be worn by girls. I have one more pattern that can be worn by both girls and boys. I am going to do that one, and will share once its done ;)

Credit for the pattern taken from HipKnitized

p/s: still a long way to go before I can make a sweater .. ;p


  1. nice! dah terrer buat sweater nnt I nak order satu..

  2. tengkiu...u can expect that in another 5 years...hahahaha...masuk dalam 5 year plan, because its a big project on its own ;)

  3. Azita,

    Awww those are cute! Pandainye buat! Nanti buleh pos lagik projek2 knitting ye :)

    Hmm susah tak ek nak knitting nih? (I'm trying to find something to do utk isi masa)

  4. aida, thanks ;)
    actually once dah dapat tangkap basic steps, it would be much easier, belajar la, tapi kena hands on, pakai buku cam susah sikit (for basic) tapi lepas tu ok dah,
    nanti bole kite buat knit club, hehehe....
