Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ni semua Aida punya pasal...

I like photography, and naturally it should comes with editing pictures as well. But being IT blinded as I am, the best editing that I did was crop..(budak darjah 6 lagi terrer..)..besides, I am too cheapskate to but all those fancy photo editing software ;p

I like the editing done in Aida's post, so I asked how did she did it? It turns out there is free picture editor online (nampak sangat IT blind lagi..hahaha..) So I gave it a try, and voila!! Let me present to you the pictures of my growing list of nieces and nephews ;) (in chronological order)...

Aren't they cute? ;)

Tengokla sape mak ngahnye...hahahaha.....


  1. Azita,

    Waaaaaaah! Nih bukan buta IT maaa, nih kira dah tere dah nih! :)

    Your anak menakan look so sweet la! Suka la nama Tisya.. kiut! Anak menakan jek ka? Mak Ngah nye tak de? :D

    Tuh la kan seronok amik2 gambo nih. For me photographing gives me satisfaction. Same with designing. So kira lepas nih Azita buleh tayang more gambo2 la ye? :D

  2. dulu zaman uni suka betul main paint shop pro. but now i don't have it in my notebook. bila tengok you pic terus terasa nak main balik. but before i do that, got to get myself a good camera first, baru berbaloi gambar yg nak di edit ye tak?

    in the mean time, main dengan paint je la..

  3. aida: gambo mak ngah simpan dulu, nanti2 tayang ;) sbnarnya nak blaja 'slim'kan gabo dulu..salah edit jadi iklan sendayu tinggi pulak...compressed semacam..hahaha...

    dieya:continue painting ;) your camera ok per, gambar kucing tu still clear :)
