Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Travelog Umrah : The Journey

Day 1: 15th June 2009
It started on 15th of June 2009. In order to fit in my budget, I took the package that includes transit flight. So we (group of 30 something people, which none that I know) flew to Bahrain on a 7-hour flight. After 2-hours of taxi, we depart to Jeddah. Journey took another 2 hours. Upon reaching Jeddah, massive queue at immigration check point. We were stranded for nearly 3 hours (I guess) before we can proceed to move to Madinah. We took bus and 6 hours later we reached Madinah, just in time to catch Suboh in Masjid Nabawi. My first solat there was performed outside the mosque, as we were running late.

Day 2: 16th June 2009
After Suboh and breakfast, were asked to assemble again at 7 am to officially being introduced to Masjid Nabawi. The guys had the liberty to be accompanied by mutawwif inside the mosque, while we the ladies, found our own way. One of the mustajab places in Masjid Nabawi is Raudhah. Entrance for women is restricted to certain area and certain timing. We were grouped according to countries and waited for turns to enter Raudhah. The guards were responsible to keep things in order. For those coming from Asean, the method that they used to group us is by holding a sign. What does it says? ‘Penerangan Agama’. For first timer like me, am a bit puzzled, who is giving the ‘penerangan’ and ‘apa yang nak diterangkan?’. After some time, it dawn on me that it’s their way to group us together :). The rest of the day is free and I took the opportunity to perform every solat fardhu in the mosque. Did some shopping for my sisters after Isya’

Day 3: 17th June 2009
We had a scheduled ziarah to historic places in Madinah such as Masjid Quba, Masjid Tujuh, Masjid Qiblatain, Jabal Uhud and bazaar kurma. Went back for Zuhur at Masjid Nabawi and the rest of the day is for ibadat. After Isya’ I tried once again to enter Raudhah. Managed to get in, what a feeling.

Day 4: 18th June 2009
We are going to Mekah. All dressed up in ihram. Stopped by Masjid Bir Ali to complete the first rule – to express your intention of doing umrah at a border to Tanah Haram (miqat). The journey took 6 hours by bus and we arrived at Masjidil Haram just before Asar to complete tawaf. Only managed to complete saei after the prayer.

Day 5: 19th June 2009
No pre arranged agenda for today, I dragged both MC to mosque for Suboh prayer with me and send them back for breakfast. Went back to Masjidil Haram after that and picked them up again for Zohor prayer. And both of the husband and son was nowhere in sight. anyhow.. its Friday and I had my first Friday prayer of my life, although I did not understand one bit of the khutbah :p

I made friends with two other ladies and bounce idea with them on what to do with the two MC and that night I decided to confront them.

Day 6: 20th June 2009
We had another scheduled ziarah today. We only stopped at Jabal Thur, Arafah, and Jabal Rahmah. The rest we only passed by from inside the bus are Jabal Nur, Muzdalifah dan Mina. We were taken to a mosque for miqat and returned back to Masjidil Haram. Managed to complete umrah before Zohor.

Day 7: 21st June 2009
No prearranged activites, jemaah are free to spend time as we wish so I choose to stay in the mosque throughout, except for after Asar. There were talks held by Ustaz from Andalusia about good places and mustajab point for doa at Kaabah.

Day 8: 22nd June 2009
Same as yesterday, except that today we had Yassin recital and tahlil arwah. I was taken aback because it was held at the hotel. Why not make use of the holy place Masjidil Haram itself? The mosque is quite vacant after prayer, especially on the first floor. What the mutawwif has to do is arranged for a place to meet. I would have though that it would be more afdal.

Day 9: 23rd June 2009
Went to camel farm (not really a farm by a Malaysian definition) area, Hudaibiah truce area and the museum for the two mosques. I was a bit reluctant to join this trip as I will miss the opportunity to perform solat Asar in Masjidil Haram, however the plus point would be we were taken to miqat for final umrah.

Day 10: 24th June 2009
It was a free day, and I finished my Al-Quran today :). Slept in front of Kaabah and in between did some solat sunat and tawaf sunat while waiting for Suboh and tawaf wida’.

Day 11: 25th June 2009
Performed tawaf wida’ at around 0630H. An ustaz gave tips, a doa in front of Kaabah with the intention of coming back. I left feeling gloomy and very reluctant to leave the mosque. We left Mekah at 8 am heading to Jeddah.
1550H flight to Bahrain
1800H arrived in Bahrain – transit 2 hours
2040H depart to KL

Day 12: 26th June 2009
0940H arrived in KL
I took the KLIA express to KL Sentral and took taxi back home (its a working day, so I could not bother anybody to pick me up)
1200H reach home....

p/s: MC = makcik a.k.a my roomate

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