Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Can he? or Will he?

The world is as if rejoicing. The fact that the newly elect President of USA is none other than Barack Obama. The inauguration was highly publicised. There is even line up of celebrities that performed during the ceremony. They also have after parties. Most of the major TV networks aired the ceremony live for the rest of the world to see and witness.

Is it real? Is it true that he will bring change to US politics atmosphere?What about US foreign policy? will they stop labelling Muslim as terrorist? Will they stop funding the war in Gaza? Will they be able to restore the downfall of world economy?

Questions and more questions....

Truly, I have my doubts, the war in Gaza for one thing. His cabinet line up is headed by an Israel by blood. And the fact that there has been continuous and strong support from the states to Isreal will not be impeded just by mere fact a non-Bush rules the government.

I am not an optimist, at least not how the world would be with America as the main power.

We'll see how it goes. I don't think there are many fingers crossed when it comes to Middle East conflict. The only way we can see some change is when the OIC act on it, else, it would be status quo.

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