Thursday, November 27, 2008


Last weekend I was in Pahang attending my ex-roomate's wedding. I encountered 3 rainbows along the way. First one was on the way from Seremban to KL. The next one is somewhere approaching Karak area. It was later followed by very heavy rain. Once I entered Bentong going towards Temerloh there was lots and lots of beautiful clouds.

It was mesmerising as I could not recalled when was the last time I've seen such beautiful group of clouds. It was picturesque!!! I had camera with me but it was way deep in my handbag. Since I am driving alone, I didn't bother to pullover and took out the camera.
Upon entering Maran, again there is this string of rainbow and this time I just couldn't resist. I slowed down (although I should've pulled over) and took out camera and with one hand on the wheel, another was trying to capture the here goes...

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