Thursday, September 11, 2008

I am a panel !!!

I am going to my alma mater tomorrow, UiTM. Was invited to be one of the panel for a forum. The topic would be "The Path of Chemical Engineering Students after Graduation". Not sure what to talk about. This is my second time doing this kind of talk. First was in UTP, but that was more of open session with the student. This time around, moderator is one of the lecturers. Man, I am going to expect some tough questions to be thrown on the floor.

Am nervous, have not prepared anything yet. Must be well prepared as I am bearing my company's name, which is not just a name, its a brand on its own. The forum will be in English, I hope I will not mumble in case I'm lost for words!! Will have to do some homework..aish...Plus I got a tip, that maybe they are interested in the company's efforts/works for biofuel..what the?? that means more reading for the rest of the day.....

Just when I thought going there as one of super duper senior is cool....anyway, hoping that I can do my best and would do the company no shame... :)

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