Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mundo distante faraway

I need to go somewhere, been bidding my colleague to go to Krabi with me but to no avail. A colleague went there once and she said it was cool. She has asked me to join her for umrah next year. InsyaAllah if everything goes well, we will make some booking come this Sept Matta Fair.

Meanwhile I will be heading off to Miri next month for 3 days (Shell Games). I was supposed to play netball, but I'm not good at it so they just put me as reserve, what the heck, free travel to Miri!!

But seriously, I need to go away, Shaz and her Diva gang is going to Bandung. I could not go as my sister is getting married in Jan..oopps, I need to save for that South Africa trip in 2010 for World Cup. That would probably be the only opportunity that I will get.

I need to go away!!!!


  1. heh ur sis getting married in Jan..we are going in feb..can still join what to Bandung!! Umrah biler?

  2. hav not decided yet bile umrah but looks like kena simpan duit lee...huhuhu..

  3. ala jum lah...kita sedekah duit kita kat org bandung...cian depa!!!!hehehehe...
