Monday, June 30, 2008

TuRniNg 27

I am 27 today!! Went to work like normal. Already booked tickets to watch Sepi tonite with my hsemate. Didn't really expect much. Still in Plant TA (turn around) period. Attended the daily progress meeting at 9am. The TA project manager (Heng Cheh) wished me birthday first thing during the meeting. I am a bit suprised ;) I told him like 2 weeks back, never thought he would remember.

Towards end of the meeting, Kak Yati slot in bringing some assortments and Secret Recipe's box!!! (Its my suprise b'day cake!!!). I was like...aaawwwhh..It turns out that one of the engineers (my movie buddies told the TA manager and they decided to celebrate ;) ) I did not managed to take any pictures coz I was so touched...:)

I actually have another cake in my OWN office courtesy from my Dept that is waiting to be cut :) so in the end I have 2 cakes :). At 11.30 I cut the second cake in the office.

Late last night my older sis text me saying that she has been hospitalised, she is waiting for the day. I did joke with her once, that come June 30th, I myself will take her to hospital and asked the doctor to induce her so that she will deliver on June 30th. My mum called at 12pm saying that she safely delivered my newborn niece at 10am!! What more can make my day?

Alhamdullillah, she is in good condition, and so are the latest member of the family. Too bad I cannot be with her due to this TA. I am happy, and glad coz all of this is happening today!!! I may not get fancy gifts, never has anyway..but I guess happiness is the best gift of all. For that one thing, I guess Allah gives my happiness in installment. I could not bargain for lump sum. So for now, this is it ;)

Hope this day never ends...tonight I am expecting to have a very good cry watching Sepi...its that a good way to end this day or what?

.......................m(_ _)m...................................

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