Thursday, October 28, 2010

On the Edge

"A girl carry with her a chair. She climbs from one floor to another. She reached 3rd floor. She tried to make way to 4th floor, but the stairs is gated. She proceed at 3rd floor. She stood on the chair,a boy saw her, trying to stop her but it was too late.

A boy, saw a girl standing on a chair. Determined of letting go. He tried to stop her, but did not succeed.

A class was in a science lab. Heard a thumping sound. Quickly ran outside. They saw whats left of a girl.

A school, shocked, traumatised by the incident. Ends a life of a bright young girl."

This is a true account of an incident . The family is someone I know, but not close. We receive the news of the daughter deceased, but cause of death was not disclosed. School keep it low, but people talked. Apparently this girl is said to be having a boyfriend, which the father did not approve. Somehow maybe there has been many other things that pushed this girl to take her own life. She was said to have posted in FB that heaven is a much nicer place for her. The family did not take any action against the school. The girl's last moments were recorded in the school's CCTV. I guess the family is aware of the ongoing battle, but did not see that she resorts to suicide. None of us would have, I guess?

Teenage is a very fragile stage, you either make it or break it. Family is important. Religious value is paramount. A life should not end this way.

An-Nisa, ayat 29
Sahih International

O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu makan (gunakan) harta-harta kamu sesama kamu dengan jalan yang salah (tipu, judi dan sebagainya), kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang dilakukan secara suka sama suka di antara kamu, dan janganlah kamu berbunuh-bunuhan sesama sendiri. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa Mengasihani kamu.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I was watching TLC few days ago, and when watching Bobby Chin strolled in between bazaar in Istanbul, I was reminded for umpteenth times of what I used to dream. I have  a set of wish list . This is some 3 years ago. There are things that I have never got to start, but there are things that I did which was not in the list (waka-waka for instance).

For the learning languages bit, am on track. For the traveling bit, yeah, not so much, especially when my money is already commited to something of longer term (20 years!!!) . One thing for sure the list is growing, and definitely I'll add on more to it. Now I have too many highlights of the weeks, but who's complaining? ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aal Izz Well

'This heart scares easily, you have to trick it. However big the problem is, tell your heart, all is well pal. That will not solve the problem, but you gain courage to face it.'

Rachhoddas Shamalladas Chanchad
3 Idiots, 2009

Definitely the best movie ever that I have watched. Recommended for everyone!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

ku sangka 1...rupanya 2...

(kak tek tulih bahasa omputih, ai tulih BM plak..hehehe...)

Well, this is actually something that we (a bunch of colleagues and I) did over last weekend. I signed up for this expedition last 2 months and that is why I missed a wedding. The XPDC was to conquer Gunung Irau (in Brinchang) and Gua Tempurung.

We started from PD on Friday afternoon around 5pm, right from the office. We got stuck at the PLUS highway KL-Damansara stretch during the peak hours and only reached hotel in Brinchang around 12 am. We settled in and grouped back the next day at 8.30 am to start our journey. A bus took us to the 'starting point', and we started walking uphill from there. Some 1.5 hours later we reached the actual 'starting point'. Reason that we were dropped off at the bottom of the hill is because bus could not reach that place. So the flipside of it, we already had our warm up!! And yours truly has already been in and out of breath countless times!! 

me at the back, catching my breath!!
And then, after reaching the real starting point, the guide somehow was explaining a trail that will lead back to the hotel, we were like ??? Aren't we supposed to go all the way up to Gunung Irau? Apparently there has been miscommunication between him and his office about our detail itenary. We decided there and then, that we want to go to Irau, it will be 3 hours climb up and another 3 hours journey back down.

At ~10.00 am we started climbing and stumbled upon few other climbers going down. Around some 30 mins from the peak we were told by the downcoming climbers that Gunung Irau has two peaks!! One is 'baby' Irau and the other one is the real Irau. Both are at the same height. So we got to 'baby' Irau around 12.30pm and took some 30 mins break. We took a vote how many people wanted to proceed to real Irau, and majority were. The catch is we have to go down at certain point and climb up again, for another 40 mins. Some of the guys decided to stay put in 'baby' Irau till we came back and get them. 

muka maintain lagi ni...
all the ladies during the expedition ;)
yeay!!! kami sampai!!

So by 2.30 pm, we reached the real Irau peak!! After having some group photos, we went back to 'baby' Irau to pick up the others and start our journey back. This is when all the leg muscle starts to response, its a bit pain here and there and I was glad that I completed the journey without any drama. My last mountain climbing activites, I have people help me carrying my backpack when we are almost to the peak, or we got lost on the way down. We reached down to starting point at around 5.30pm. This time we were too tired to walk down to the bus pick up point, so we took a ride on local jeep to get down :)

tukang kutip sayur baru nak start shift...
That night, we had a steamboat dinner, walked through Brinchang's night market and retired with very painful muscle joints. The next day, we are up for another adventure, Gua Tempurung.

By bus, we depart from Brinchang at 9.00 am and reached there around 10.00 am. After some briefing, we were guided in at 10.30am. We took the dry and wet route and there were a few points that is quite challenging. 
dengar briefing ke mengendap?? hhmm...

Lighting were not so good, but we cavemen manage to look good still :)

There is this one point, they named it 'Top of the World', it a 9m solid rock and we have to slide down. The tricky part is there is certain techniques we have to follow and failing that, you'll risk breaking your leg, scary huh?? but Alhamdulillah , we all managed to go through. Then we are off to the watery part of the cave, we crawl, we slide, we squat, we squeeze in between those wet rocks, we did everything just to get through, and of course, no camera inside. I actually did not brought my camera as in the group, there are lots of pro photographer, we just waited to be shot ;)

At around 1pm we got out and after cleaning ourselves, we head back to PD. Reached PD at 7.00pm with some stops in between. Now my body is still aching, but still bearable, will I go again? Maybe..hehehe...

So in the end we thought we are conquering 1 peak, but turns out we got 2 (yang baby pon kira tau..;p)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy Ever After - I wish ;)

A friend is getting married, yet I could not attend because I have comitted to something earlier on. To make up for not being there on her big day, me and an officemate came up with this video, (she actually wanted to ask somebody else to do, pay $$) but we figured out it would be our honour to do that for her :)

Amacam? Can I have a second career in videography? Well, my friends did all the hardwork, I was responsible with the storyline (sort of).

This friend actually brought all the props during the pre-wedding photoshoot, as according to her most of the wedding photographers + studios only gave a pretty much commercialised packaged.
Good for her, I think the photos came out fine...

Wishing her and beau a lifelong happy marriage ;)

p/s: something wrong with my connection..can you play the video?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I read this over a lunch last weekend,
Amazingly,I finished it in just one seating (nowadays its very hard to concentrate, maybe the age is a factor?). Its a simple yet profound insights on how people react to changes, be it in personal life or at work. I can identify myself really quickly as being a 'Hem'. (A subtle way to say I am a procrastinator!!)

For the past one week, I have been running in my own maze, with no proper planning and strategy, not quite aimlessly but could have been done better. The book is simple, to implement what it suggested is another question. Am not saying that I could not do it, but its a work in progress.
yes, published in 1998, I am 12 years behind ;p

Buena suerte!! ;)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Entry Rojak + Miracle Happens?

Malaysia got the first gold medal already!!! (or probably by now has added some more..)

I watched Magika last Sunday. Has always been a supporter to KRU bro's work (I wish Yusry is reading this..hahaha..) Not bad for a musical. Though I think some of the character is a bit over the top, but then again for musical is always like that right? But in the spirit of supporting Malaysian product, I am willing to bet my money on KRU's stuffs anytime over some Prof's work. Definitely worth it ;)
Some thing happen at work which I think is a miracle. You see, we have this pit stop planned starting yesterday till Wednesday. One of my scope is to do job A. For this job we need item B,C,D and E. We have all of them but quantity is not enough, and the worst part is item E, the main thing is not up to spec. So in order to get E up to spec we have to many things that will delay the work, and most likely not possible to do still. If we live without item E, we will incur loss come Q1 2011. Somehow miracle work its way, and warehouse people found item F, which is up to spec as item E but only smaller size, we decided to proceed with it anyway. Better than nothing. I am really hoping things work out well. Have to spend another night in control room...

Wish me luck!! Daa...