Thursday, October 16, 2008

Makan @ my place

I moved to this new house early of the year and since then people from work has been bugging me to host a housewarming party. Having postponed it for quite some time, I think Raya is the best time to deliver. Since the landlord leaves most of kitchen utensils, my life gets more easier!!

So here are some pictures of last nite's food :

Kuah lodeh, nasi himpit and rendang in the making..

The serving...
Total spread
Kek Lapis from Miri..yummeh..

The people......
BY, me , NKOTB
Most of us

Monday, October 13, 2008

Visit from Fariny

Who is she? She's a former colleague whom is now based in Amsterdam. Fariny was on home leave for Raya and decided to drop by and pay a visit to us. Why is she featured here? Let me tell you, if it wasn't for her, I would not be where I am today at work. No details required but enough said that has caused me to turn things around at the most crucial stage of my career in PD.

Chatting with Fauzi before he dashed off.

Its nice to know somebody who has made it outside still remembers you and care to meet up even if it just for lunch. Both her and hubby are working in Shell Amsterdam and their daughter were born there!! She's cute with the big eyes but at that time she just woken up and was terified to see the crowd I guess....

Shy Baby AJ with her dad

Anyway, definitely a morale booster for me to work better and hoping that one day I earned the kind of recognition that she gets now.

Group pics!! ;)

Aildilfitri 1429H/2008

This year I spent the most time on holiday which resulted in the most money spent. Probably due to new home, therefore needs new stuffs to make it liveable for our Raya break. Take a look at some of the pics..

The sofa from Courts Mammoth (the most convinient store,cos they have outlet like almost anywhere plus I am on tight budget) Although I would love to have my kinda sofa (L-shape) my mother was against it for undisclosed reason..hehehe..

Dining table from local furniture store...I wanted with the Lasy Susan, but they ran out the one that is within my budget but its OK, I can always add on later :). Notice the seashell curtain. Was bought by my cousin in Labuan

Finally completed the kit cab!! this one after strings of drama with my cousin who claimed that he can make it..long story..anyway it's done!! But I don't know where the pic..I thought I had it somewhere...

This year, my sister and I were determined to make our own dodol...we've been warned that it will take 8 hrs to complete (continuous stirring and all) but nothing can stop us..some pics....

Najwa and Najmi having their first taste of Raya in Kedah . Playing fire crackers with adik.

And the family photo on first day raya...I know the walls are empty but its a new home..what do you expect? Next year we'll think of something to hang..probably this photo? :)